Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.重点提要
Shanghai resumes normal production and life today;
A closer look at the details of China’s 33-measure stimulus package announced on Tuesday.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
China has mounted a full-fledged battle to stabilise its economy, as all levels of governments - from the State Council, the cabinet to ministries to local governments - raced to implement a sweeping set of 33 measures aimed at tackling specific challenges and keep economic operations within in reasonable range, according to an official notice on Tuesday.
The intensifying efforts from Chinese authorities to boost economic growth come as the COVID-19 epidemic situations in Beijing and Shanghai continued to improve, reflecting officials' confidence in keeping the virus under effective control, while shifting focus on economic stabilisation.
The new policy includes six areas, including fiscal support, investment, consumption, food and energy security, and supply chain stability in an effort to stabilise the economy while maintaining effective epidemic control. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a prime contributor to the economy, are the focus of the government's supportive policies.
In terms of fiscal policy, China will speed up the issuance and use of the 3.45 trillion yuan special bond quota issued this year. It has targeted to complete the issuance by the end of June, and work to complete use of the fund by the end of August.
Apart from the nine sectors included on the support list, new infrastructure and new energy projects should be given priority to be supported, the State Council said. In an apparent answer to the calls, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges published rules on Tuesday to allow listed real estate investment trusts (REITs) to raise fresh money to fund acquisition of infrastructure projects.
In terms of monetary and financial policies, China will boost financing efficiency via capital markets, by supporting domestic firms to list in Hong Kong, and promote offshore listings by qualified platform companies.
To boost investment and consumption, China will support the healthy development of the platform economy and utilise the development of platform enterprises to drive relief for small, medium and micro-enterprises. The State Council also acknowledged the role of the sector in stabilising employment.
In a bit to boost car sales, the circular said no new vehicle purchase restrictions shall be issued, and the Ministry of Finance also said on Tuesday that it would halve the purchase tax for small-engined cars.
Update on COVID-19疫情简报
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