Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.重点提要
Shanghai takes 50 measures to support economy as city eyes full recovery from COVID-19 from Wednesday;
Hong Kong-Mainland ETF Connect may start in two months.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
Shanghai authorities on Sunday sent a clear signal of economic stabilisation by rolling out a total of 50 stimulus measures to support the local economy, with a focus on business resumption and employment stabilisation, as the city inches toward a full recovery from the most severe COVID-19 outbreak.
In terms of production, starting from Wednesday, Shanghai will scrap the work resumption "white list" mechanism and other restrictions on companies that want to restart work or business.
At the same time, the city will promote work resumption in all sectors by expanding the scope of subsidies for enterprises' epidemic prevention and disinfection, stabilising industrial and supply chains in the Yangtze River Delta, and smoothing domestic and international logistics and transportation channels.
The city will reduce rent, property tax and urban land use tax for qualified enterprises. It will also grant subsidies for non-resident users regarding water, electricity and natural gas fees.
A key part of the action plan is to stabilise foreign investment and trade as well as to accelerate the recovery of consumption and investment.
Shanghai will establish a mechanism to arrange designated personnel to aid work resumption of key foreign-funded enterprises and launch an online service system for major foreign-funded projects. And it will start the application process for special funds to develop the regional headquarters of multinational corporations in Shanghai ahead of schedule in 2022.
The city will gradually reduce the purchase tax on some passenger vehicles as required by national policies. It will also provide subsidies to consumers who replace cars with pure electric ones, and support large commercial enterprises and e-commerce platforms in issuing consumption coupons.
The plan also includes measures related to the real estate industry, including promoting the healthy development of real estate development and investment, and establishing a green channel for approving real estate projects.
Greater Bay Area, Greater Future新使命,大未来
Two mega-kilowatt pumped storage power plants in the Greater Bay Area officially started power generation on May 28, marking the power grid capacity in the GBA leading the world, with the largest installed pumped storage of 9.68 million KW, or twice the electricity capacity of Hainan province. The two pumped storage power plants are constructed by China Southern Power Grid located in Meizhou and Yangjiang in South China's Guangdong Province with a total installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts.
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