Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.
China's Q3 GDP surges above-expected 3.9% as economy refreshes to a better state;
Home prices in 70 major cities continued to ease in September.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
China's gross domestic product grew by 3.9 percent year-on-year in the third quarter, up from 0.4 percent in the second quarter, posting a steady rebound despite factors beyond expectations, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.
In the first three quarters, China's GDP grew by 3 percent year-on-year to 87.03 trillion yuan ($12 trillion), up from 2.5 percent rise in the first half, the bureau said.
A closer look at the economic indicators also showed a trend that many of China's economic areas are picking up with a steady pace. In the first three quarters of the year, value-added industrial output grew by 3.9 percent compared to the same period last year, while in the first half, it rose by 3.4 percent from a year earlier.
In terms of consumption, China's retail sales grew by 0.7 percent year-on-year in the first three quarters, compared with a 0.7 percent decline in the first half of this year. In September alone, retail sales grew by 2.5 percent year-on-year, slowed from the 5.4 percent growth in August.
Fixed-assets investment, a gauge of expenditures on items including infrastructure, property, machinery and equipment, also expanded by 5.9 percent year-on-year in the first nine months, expanding from a 5.8 percent increase in the first eight months.
Data from the the General Administration of Customs today showed that China's foreign trade of goods jumped 9.9 percent year on year to 31.11 trillion yuan (about 4.75 trillion U.S. dollars) during the first nine months of the year.
Despite the improvement in key economic indicators, China will make a big push to implement existing policy measures to consolidate the foundation for economic recovery, the NBS said.
Meanwhile, figures released by the NBS Monday show that China's home prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities eased in September, with more cities seeing a decline in home prices. New-home prices in 70 cities, excluding state-subsidized housing, dropped 0.28 percent last month from August, while existing-home prices declined 0.39 percent.
In September, 54 out of the 70 cities saw a month-on-month drop in new home sales prices, up from 50 in August. A total of 61 cities witnessed a decrease in resale home prices, up from 56 from the previous month.
Moving on to regional highlights区域观察
The efforts of financial institutions in Shanghai to support the real economy have resulted in a 725.3 billion yuan increase in bank loan balance in the first three quarters from a year earlier, according to the Shanghai Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. The balance of loans in the eastern Chinese megacity totaled 10.26 trillion yuan by Sept. 30. Over 6.5 trillion yuan were medium- and long-term loans, accounting for nearly 64 percent of the total. As of the end of the first half of the year, the balance of loans to tech enterprises was 654.2 billion yuan, up 65 percent from the same period a year ago. Shanghai also strove to strengthen credit support for advanced manufacturing. The city's manufacturing loan balance was 1.26 trillion yuan as of Sept. 30, up 33 percent from a year earlier.
Some 153 companies have gone public on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange so far this year and their combined market capitalization is already more than 1 trillion yuan. As of last week, the 153 firms raised over 170 billion yuan in their public offerings this year. Most of them are in emerging industries such as advanced manufacturing, digital economy as well as the green and low-carbon sectors. Almost 80 percent, at 121, are listed on Shenzhen’s Nasdaq-style ChiNext Board. Together they accounted for 85 percent of the total funds raised at 147.8 billion yuan. The combined market value of the 1503 firms listed on the main board reached 21 trillion yuan, 80 percent of which were profitable in the first half.
Next on industry and company news产业及公司新闻
China's digital economy jumped from 11 trillion yuan ($1.52 trillion) to 45 trillion yuan ($6.20 trillion) during the past decade, providing a powerful motivation to economic and social development, state media reported on Saturday. The mobile payment is profoundly changing Chinese people's life, with the annual trade volume hitting 527 trillion yuan. The country has built an advanced and complete digital industry system. The core computing industry scale has exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan, with the average growth rate of over 30 percent in the past five years, and the market size of cloud computing surpassed 300 billion yuan. Moreover, China has 1.05 billion internet users, forming the world's largest and most dynamic digital society.
China will raise domestic gasoline price by 185 yuan and diesel price by 175 yuan per ton, the country’s top economic planner said Monday. Following the adjustment, private car owners will have to spend 7.5 yuan more to fill up a 50-liter tank.
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