Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.重点提要
The State Council steps up management of local government debt in an effort to ease risks;
China accounts for 30% of global manufacturing output in 2021.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
China's State Council on Monday unveiled the guidelines of a fiscal reform for governments below the provincial level to strengthen the management of local debt while improving a debt quota mechanism.
China will establish and improve the transfer payment system and gradually increase the scale of general transfer payments prioritising underdeveloped areas, the guideline said, adding that local governments will appropriately strengthen the construction of education, science and technology research, social security, food security, as well as major infrastructure projects.
The guidelines also asked local governments to strengthen debt management in development zones, resolutely curb the increase in hidden local government debt, reasonably control the scale of government debt, and effectively fend off debt risks.
The guidance added that the local government debt quota mechanism should be improved, and the debt quota should match the revenues and project income.
The latest reform comes against the backdrop of the pandemic and the increasingly fluctuating external economic environment, in addition to mounting pressures from both reductions of fiscal income and expenditure increases.
Recent statistics show that financial departments at all levels have stepped up efforts to implement proactive fiscal policies. In the first two months, the progress of budgetary expenditure was 14.3 percent, the highest in the past five years, according to data from the Ministry of Finance.
The quota of local special bonds for construction of projects has been fully issued, totalling about 1.25 trillion yuan ($185 billion) by the end of March. At present, local governments have reserved 71,000 special bond projects, Vice Minister of Finance, Xu Hongcai, said during a press conference on April 12.
The reform also comes as Chinese authorities have stressed several times the importance of curbing the increase of new "hidden debt" and stabilise the mechanism that settles existing "hidden debt" to guard against systemic financial risks since last year.
China’s industrial added value increased from 20.9 trillion yuan in 2012 to 37.3 trillion yuan in 2021, with an average annual growth rate of 6.3 percent, well above the global average of about 2 percent for the period, Xin Guobin, vice minister of industry and information technology, told a press conference on Tuesday. China accounted for 30 percent of the global manufacturing output in 2021, marking an increase from 22.5 percent in 2012 as the industry grew bigger and stronger, Xin said. During the same period, the manufacturing value-added output had expanded from 16.98 trillion yuan to 31.4 trillion yuan.
中国制造业增加值占全球近三成 : 6月14日,在中宣部举行的“中国这十年”系列主题新闻发布会上,工信部副部长辛国斌透露,2012年至2021年,我国工业增加值从20.9万亿元增长到37.3万亿元;以不变价计算,工业增加值年均增长6.3%,远高于同期全球工业增加值2%左右的年均增速;制造业增加值从16.98万亿元增加到31.4万亿元,占全球比重从22.5%提高到近30%。
China will strive to have 3,500 registered airplanes for general aviation by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period, according to a new plan by the Civil Aviation Administration of China on Monday. The number of registered airports for general aviation will top 500, and no less than 25 provincial-level regions will provide general aviation emergency rescue services by end-2025.
“十四五”末在册通用航空器3500架:6月13日, 民航局印发的《“十四五”通用航空发展专项规划》明确道,“十四五”末,力争在册通用航空器达到3500架,在册通用机场达到500个,开展通用航空应急救援服务的省份不少于25个。
Moving on to regional highlights区域经济新闻
Several cities in South China’s Guangdong province have lowered the minimum down payment requirement for the prospective first-home buyers. Zhanjiang, Yangjiang, Zhaoqing and Maoming have trimmed the minimum down payment ratio for starter home buyers to 20 percent from 25 percent. The deposit requirement for first-time home buyers in Shanwei has also been cut to 25 percent.
Update on COVID-19疫情简报
Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University announced late Monday that it is recruiting 60 test subjects after last month launching an exploratory Phase I clinical study of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine developed by the Shanghai-based biotech company Stemirna Therapeutics. The trial is conducted from May to December this year.
Next on industry and company news产经消息及公司新闻
China’s real estate market rebounded in May from April thanks to looser policies, as 14 out of the country’s top 20 real estate companies have released their May sales reports by Monday and saw an 11.1 percent jump in sales in May from April. Sales at these 14 companies plunged 52.8 percent from a year ago and 45.2 percent over the five-month period January to May. While for those in the top 100, sales plummeted 59.4 percent year on year and 52.7 percent in the first five months.
A venture controlled by the founder of Chinese automaker Zhejiang Geely Holding agreed to acquire a 79-percent stake in Chinese smartphone maker Meizu, according to a statement published Monday by the State Administration of Market Regulation. The statement didn’t disclose the financial terms of the deal.
吉利旗下公司拟收购魅族79%股权: 6月13日,国家市场监督管理总局发布公示信息,吉利控股集团董事长李书福李书福旗下星纪时代已与魅族科技以及涉及交易的股东签署协议,星纪时代拟收购珠海魅族79.09%的股权。魅族方面回复称,本次交易尚需履行相关监管机构的审批手续,交易细节还在协商中。
The Haikou-based Hainan Airlines said in a statement yesterday that Wang Yingming resigned from the positions of the carrier’s legal representative, chairman, director, and other related positions due to a personnel adjustment. Former China Southern Airlines executive Cheng Yong will succeed Wang as the new chairman and legal representative. This is the second executive management reshuffle this year.
Swedish furniture giant Ikea announced Monday that it will close one of its five stores in Shanghai, marking its second outlet termination in the mainland this year amid an accelerating shift to online shopping due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The two-year-old store in Yangpu district will shut its doors on July 7.
Switching gears to the financial sector金融市场要闻
视频全程直播尚赫18周年庆(一) 天津尚赫公司周年庆在台湾举行,三千余优秀员工聚集一起共同...
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3 “祛斑神器”汞含量严重超标,判刑!为了逃避检测 他们在以非卖品名义 赠送顾客的化妆品小样中 添加大量的汞 再以正品搭配小样...
4 3月6日投资晚报|证监会:鼓励上市公司一年多次分红,上海电力周三(2024年3月6日),A股市场早盘低开,午后开始反弹。上证指数涨上证指数跌0.26%,报3039...
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6 调研早知道| 自有品牌战略进入全面收获期,这家企业海外市场界面新闻记者 | 袁颖琪 跟随着我国白电“走出去”的步伐,有一家企业的优势正日益凸显。这...
7 盘中必读|今日共105股涨停,三大指数小幅下跌,新质生产力概念3月6日,大盘午后震荡回落,三大指数均小幅下跌。截至收盘,沪指跌0.26%,深成指跌0.22%,创...
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9 整体增长10\%!直销行业2023年业绩走势预示:2024年直销市场崛起据《知识经济》杂志发布的《2022年度中国直销企业发展现状报告》称,对89家拿牌直销企业2...
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2 何涛遭正式任命东方药林执行总裁2024年3月4日,东方药林发布通告,正式任命何涛为东方药林药业有限公司执行总裁,负责全面...
3 “祛斑神器”汞含量严重超标,判刑!为了逃避检测 他们在以非卖品名义 赠送顾客的化妆品小样中 添加大量的汞 再以正品搭配小样...
4 3月6日投资晚报|证监会:鼓励上市公司一年多次分红,上海电力周三(2024年3月6日),A股市场早盘低开,午后开始反弹。上证指数涨上证指数跌0.26%,报3039...
5 金股挖掘| 绑定大众集团实现业务腾飞,电车时代来临,这家车2023年我国汽车产业发展取得突破性进展,全年产销均超3000万辆,创历史新高,汽车出口首次跃...
6 调研早知道| 自有品牌战略进入全面收获期,这家企业海外市场界面新闻记者 | 袁颖琪 跟随着我国白电“走出去”的步伐,有一家企业的优势正日益凸显。这...
7 盘中必读|今日共105股涨停,三大指数小幅下跌,新质生产力概念3月6日,大盘午后震荡回落,三大指数均小幅下跌。截至收盘,沪指跌0.26%,深成指跌0.22%,创...
8 重大事项停牌前一度大涨17%,“量子通信第一股”国盾量子发生界面新闻记者 | 冯雨晨 一番大涨之后,国盾量子(688027 .SH )宣布筹划重大事项停牌,引起市...
9 整体增长10\%!直销行业2023年业绩走势预示:2024年直销市场崛起据《知识经济》杂志发布的《2022年度中国直销企业发展现状报告》称,对89家拿牌直销企业2...
10 知直销,掌动态 | 直销热评网每日新闻简讯(2024年03月06日)2024首场万人年会又是美乐家,CD+级别收入超560万 2024年3月1日~3日,2024年美乐家(中国)年会...
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