Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.重点提要
China’s export growth rebounded sharply in May, far exceeding market expectations;
Parts of Shanghai’s Disney Resort reopen tomorrow.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
After a period far beat market expectations, China's export growth rate is to reach 16.9 percent in May amid the waning impact of the pandemic on logistics, production and custom clearance.
In May, China's exports stood at $308.25 billion, up by 16.9 percent on a yearly basis, significantly rebounding from the 3.9 percent growth rate in April, according to data released by the General Administration of Customs on Thursday. Imports stood at $229.49 billion, up 4.1 percent. In total, China's trade grew 11.1 percent last month, improving from 2.1 percent in April.
In Jan-May period, China's foreign trade went up 8.3 percent year-on-year to 16.04 trillion yuan, as trade with major partners including ASEAN, the EU and the US displayed growth. ASEAN remains to be China's largest trade partner, with bilateral trade standing at 2.37 trillion yuan, up 8.1 percent. During this period, China's foreign trade with the EU went up 7 percent to 2.2 trillion yuan, while bilateral trade with the US increased by 10.1 percent to 2 trillion yuan.
From January to May, China's total trade with countries and regions along the Belt and Road Initiative totalled 5.11 trillion yuan, up 16.8 percent year-on-year.
China has adopted a slew of targeted measures to bolster the growth of its foreign trade sector. The State Council issued a guideline last month to improve services and provide more financial and fiscal support for the enterprises, and 27 government departments have rolled out relevant policies.
On a Wednesday press briefing, Wang Shouwen, vice-minister of commerce who is also China's deputy international trade representative, said the country will initiate action to further lower costs for its foreign trade enterprises. The ministry will facilitate the development of new foreign trade formats like cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses.
The General Administration of Customs also vowed to enhance regulations and services to guarantee smooth export and import logistics and fine-tune specific measures at local levels to ease burdens on enterprises.
Regarding financial aid, the People's Bank of China has continuously lowered the financing costs for the real economy, and provided targeted help for foreign trade firms, Zhou Yu, an official with the bank, told the press on Wednesday.
Moving on to regional highlights区域经济新闻
A pilot program on facilitating eligible high-tech enterprises to borrow money from overseas has been expanded to the entire Guangdong province, according to a recent notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. High-tech enterprises, along with the "specialized, sophisticated, distinctive and innovative" companies included in the pilot program will be able to borrow $10 million of foreign debt from the previous $5 million.
Update on COVID-19疫情简报
The National Medical Products Administration issued a notice on Tuesday, requiring the strictest supervision of covid test agents. The quality supervision of products’ production, operation and use will continue to be strengthened. Illegal activities such as unauthorized production and operation, illegal storage and transportation, and operation and use of unregistered or expired cover test agents shall be investigated and punished according to law strictly, severely and promptly.
Next on industry and company news产经消息及公司新闻
Shanghai Disney Resort announced on Thursday to reopen some of its resort locations from Friday after over two months of closure, while the main park, Shanghai Disneyland and Disneytown, together with two hotels, remain closed. The reopening locations will operate at limited capacity and reduced hours. All visitors must have green health codes, have tested negative within 72 hours of entering the resort and must wear masks except when dining, it said.
上海迪士尼恢复部分运营:6月9日,上海迪士尼度假区宣布,星愿公园、迪士尼世界商店及蓝天大道将于2022年6月10日起恢复运营。上海迪士尼乐园及迪士尼小镇继续暂时关闭,重新开放日期待定。在重新开放期间, 所有游客均须持有绿色“随申码”以及72小时内核酸检测阴性证明方可进入上海迪士尼度假区。
Retail sales of passenger cars in China declined 17 percent in May from the same period a year ago, narrowing by 17 percentage points from the previous month, according to the China Passenger Car Association on Wednesday. Over 1.35 million passenger vehicles were sold in May, up 30 percent month on month.
Switching gears to the financial sector金融市场要闻
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on Wednesday announced the release of 1.5 billion yuan of sustainable development Panda bonds with a coupon rate of 2.4 percent in China's interbank bond market. This marks the first sustainable development bond issued by an international development institution within the country, and the first order for China's inter-bank market to issue sustainable development bonds in the form of "framework issuance”.
Hong Kong's IPO market slowed down in the first half this year as IPO fundraising plunged by 92 percent year-on-year during this period, weighed by external factors including the fifth wave of Covid and geopolitical instability. The accounting firm PwC Hong Kong said there were 22 new listings in the first six months, down 53 percent from an earlier year. PwC expects three to four companies will raise more than HK$10 billion each in IPOs in the second half as the market gradually regains momentum with a number of supportive policies.
The China Development Bank (CDB), one of the country's policy banks, extended 30.6 billion yuan in loans in the first five months to support the country's agriculture sector. The loans went toward agricultural infrastructure construction, seed industry and rural industries, the CDB said Wednesday.
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