Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.重点提要
- Nearly 12 million students are taking the national college entrance exam starting today amid the third year of the epidemic;
- China will broaden its science and technology sector to the outside world while pursuing its indigenous innovation.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
China's national college entrance examination, or gaokao, is held on June 7 and 8 on hot summer days. This year also marks the 45th anniversary of the resumption of the gaokao system.
The number of examinees of gaokao hit a record high in 2022. According to the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for this year’s national college entrance exam has reached 11.93 million, an increase of 1.15 million over last year, or up by over 10 percent.
The ministry on Monday told local authorities to strengthen support services, including those related to traffic, health and safety, for test- takers and reminded the examinees to abide by local anti- epidemic policies and enhance personal protection during the exam.
There are 330,000 general exam rooms set up across the country this year and 1.02 million invigilators and exam staff. Among them, Beijing has 1,714 regular and 321 standby exam rooms in 18 exam areas. As the Chinese capital is still battling the latest COVID-19 resurgence, around 3400 examinees are living in areas at risk of COVID-19. Special test centres have been set up to serve them, and local authorities have also organised 600 buses to pick up these students, who are provided with food and accommodation.
In 2020, the first year of the epidemic, the exam was postponed by one month across the country. This year, the exam was postponed locally by one month only in Shanghai, China’s economic hub, which just embraced a restart on June 1 after two months’ fight against the Omicron variant. And the city’s General Senior Secondary School Academic Proficiency Examination also have been deferred accordingly and will be held from June 18 to 19.
以北京为例,北京市在18个考区拥有1714个普通考场和321个备用考场。 北京今年高考报名考生共5.4万人,截至5月29日,处于封控、管控状态的考生约3400人,考前多数考生能解封,对新的封管控情况将及时动态调整。分类做好涉疫考生的考试组织工作,确保考生“一个都不能少”。北京封控区考生实行一人一考场,考生将在符合条件的宾馆酒店或具备食宿条件的学校考点参加考试。考试前一天,安排专车将此类考生闭环转运至封管控考点;考试期间,考点将为考生提供“吃住行考”一体化的考试保障。
The past decade has witnessed China's biggest progress in science and technology, with the country climbing to the 12th position on the global list of most innovative economies, up from the 34th place in 2012, as the country broadens its science and technology sector to the outside world while maintaining its pursuit of indigenous innovation, Wang Zhigang, Chinese minister of science and technology told a press conference on Monday. China's R&D spending increased from 1.03 trillion yuan in 2012 to 2.79 trillion yuan in 2021, representing a 2.44 percent rise in R&D investment intensity. China is also a co-contributor to global problem-solving, with increased sharing of sci-tech achievements assisting in the resolution of global issues ranging from energy to the environment and the containment of coronaviruses.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued a circular on Monday, saying that China will advance cold storage facilities construction in agricultural producing areas to better serve the rural industry and raise farmers' incomes. Market entities will be encouraged to establish and renovate cold chain distribution centres in producing places, said the circular. The country will improve services, including sorting, grading, primary processing, and distribution in these areas, and build digital and intelligent refrigerated storage facilities.
Moving on to regional highlights区域经济新闻
Shenzhen on Monday announced plans to develop strategic emerging and future industrial clusters, and the city will put the development focus on the high-end advanced manufacturing industry. Twenty advanced manufacturing parks with a total area of about 300 square kilometres will be built in the districts of Bao'an, Guangming, Longhua, Longgang, Pingshan, and Shenshan. The move aims to develop and bolster 20 strategic emerging sectors and nurture eight industries of the future.
Next on industry and company news产经消息及公司新闻
China's 5G network has covered most regions across the country, with 1.615 million 5G base stations and 410 million 5G mobile phone users, data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT) showed Monday. The nation's 5G network now covers all prefecture-level cities and county-level urban areas and 87 percent of township-level urban areas across the country, the MIIT said.
5G规模化应用进入关键期:6月6日,中国5G商用发牌迎来三周年。工信部数据显示,截至昨日,中国5G网络已经覆盖全国所有地市一级和所有县城城区和87%的乡镇镇区。全国共建成5G基站161.5万个,5G移动电话用户达到4.1亿户。工信部表示,中国已进入推进 5G 技术大规模应用的关键时期。
Universal Studios’ theme park in Beijing will reopen to visitors under strict anti-epidemic measures on June 15 after being closed for more than a month, the resort announced on Tuesday, as tickets pre-sale will resume from June 11. All indoor scenic spots and entertainment projects will reopen at a capacity of 75 percent, and tourists will need a negative result of Covid-19 nucleic acid test taken within 72 hours to enter the resort.
Chinese video platform Bilibili has recently started a round of job cuts in mid-May, targeting the gaming, livestreaming and commercialization business segments, media reported Monday citing its employees. But the company previously denied rumors of large-scale staff reductions, saying it was adjusting some businesses, resulting in personnel changes.
Switching gears to the financial sector金融市场要闻
Beijing Stock Exchange Co., Ltd. has changed its legal representative from Xuming to Zhou Guihua, the former director of unlisted public company department of the CSRC, after nine months of its establishment, media reported on Tuesday. Zhou has formerly served as deputy director of Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau.
The scale of urban investment bonds issued by Chinese local government financing vehicles to fund infrastructure and public welfare projects plunged 54 percent last month from April due to greater regulatory supervision and changing market conditions. Rates also dropped to below 2 percent in some places. Around 240 billion yuan worth of urban investment bonds were issued in May, according to corporate data platform Wind. In the first five months, 2.18 trillion yuan worth of the bonds were released, down 7 percent from a year ago.
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