Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.重点提要
Chinese cities roll out measures to drum up consumption and help ease burden of businesses;
China secures a bumper grain harvest for 2022.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻
Several Chinese cities are introducing concrete steps to stimulate consumption and maintain stable economic growth amid optimization of the country's COVID-19 rules in recent weeks.
In southern China's Guangdong province, Guangzhou is giving out a total of 30 million yuan worth of consumption vouchers in three rounds from December 8 to 19, which cover stores and supermarkets, e-commerce, dinners and drinks, as well as accommodation.
Shenzhen has increased its quota of car license plates and provided government subsidies to encourage residents to buy hybrid and new energy vehicles. The city had also started another round of consumption subsidies of up to 15 percent discounts on electronic devices and white goods starting last Friday.
Meanwhile, the city has helped companies reduce their burden by more than 150 billion yuan ($21.56 billion) through various policies this year. These have effectively helped the majority of market entities overcome financial hurdles and resume production, said Wang Jun, deputy director of the city's Development and Reform Commission.
Chengdu, Sichuan province, one of the country's most popular tourist destinations, has big plans, too. The city has designed new offers, such as food plus performing arts or food plus cultural creativity, to encourage people to spend more. It plans to cash in on weekends, New Year's Day and Spring Festival rush.
To boost consumption, Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province, is offering free subway and bus rides on all public holidays and weekends through Feb 28.
Beijing has introduced a slew of measures as well to relieve the burden on businesses, meet market expectations and support steady economic growth. The list includes reducing taxes and fees, increasing policy support, resolving payment arrears and strengthening financial backing.
Official data show that the total tax and fee reductions, refunds and rebates in Beijing have reached 200 billion yuan so far this year, and 920 million yuan in arrears to small and medium-sized enterprises has been cleared.
China's grain output totaled about 686.53 billion kg this year, up 0.5 percent or 3.68 billion kg over 2021, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Monday. This is the eighth consecutive year for China to register a grain harvest of over 650 billion kg.
Next on industry and company news产业及公司新闻
The Communication Big Data Trip Tracking Card, which traces the movements of people in China first introduced in March 2020, will no longer operate from midnight today, the service provider said this morning. Data from Trip.com shows that searches for cross-provincial travel and vacation during the Spring Festival rush increased 12 times between midnight and 1 p.m. today compared with the same period last week.
“通信行程卡”明日正式下线:据“通信行程卡”微信公众号消息,12月13日0时起,正式下线“通信行程卡”服务。“通信行程卡”短信、网页、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、 APP等查询渠道将同步下线。携程数据显示,通信行程卡取消通知发出后,12月12日0时-13时,春运期间跨省游交通、度假等产品搜索热度环比上周同期大增12倍,机票搜索量基本和疫情前持平。
The flight volume of two airports in Beijing are expected to reach 70 percent of daily flights in the same period in 2019 in the near future, CAAC North China Region Administration said on Sunday. Beijing Capital International Airport and Beijing Daxing International Airport saw a 63 percent increased in flights on Sunday, and the growth rate hit 100 percent on Saturday, and 169 percent on Monday. The number of inbound and outbound flights at Haikou Meilan International Airport reached more than 300 on Saturday, an increase of 50 percent within four days.
The latest Xiaomi 13 handset series is "the most powerful Xiaomi flagship model," a masterpiece that exceeds expectations, according to the Chinese firm's founder. The smartphone series, which has the new MIUI 14 operating system, is the first product released after Xiaomi's system software team was reorganized, Chairman Lei Jun said during a launch ceremony yesterday. Prices of the latest models start at 3,999 yuan and the Xiaomi 13 Pro costs at least 4,999 yuan.
小米发布13系列手机和MIUI 14系统:12月11日,小米正式发布了小米13系列新机,并带来了全新的MIUI14以及5款小米科技生态新品。此次发布会上推出的小米13系列新品包括了小米13和小米13 Pro两款产品,二者均搭载了高通最新的旗舰芯片骁龙第二代处理器。MIUI 14操作系统启动了剃刀计划,可以将操作系统砍到只保留8个不可删除应用,实现了更小的系统内存占用和系统固件占用量,加入了MIUI光子引擎,提升了系统和第三方应用的启动响应速度等。售价方面,小米13标准版3999元起售,小米13 Pro起售价为4999元。
Shandong Gold Mining, China's biggest producer of the precious metal, said it will take a majority stake in smaller rival Yintai Gold for 13 billion yuan, the two firms said yesterday. State-owned Shandong Gold will buy a 20.9 percent stake in Yintai Gold for 22.38 yuan per share, a 71 percent premium on its closing price of 13.09 yuan on Dec. 5, when trading in the stock was suspended.
Longfor Group Holding has become the first Chinese real estate developer to receive the help of a state-owned bank to repay overseas debts. Bank of China provided Longfor with a 700 million yuan offshore loan, with the Chongqing branch of BOC issuing financing guarantee to the developer and BOC Hong Kong offering loan financing for the company’s overseas units with Chinese yuan-denominated assets as guarantee, Beijing-based Longfor announced on Dec. 9.
Switching gears to financial news金融市场消息
China's new yuan-denominated loans totaled 1.21 trillion yuan (about 174 billion U.S. dollars) in November, central bank data showed Monday. The M2, a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in circulation and all deposits, increased 12.4 percent year on year to 264.7 trillion yuan at the end of last month. China's newly added social financing grew by 1.99 trillion yuan in November, more than double the reading in October.
China will issue 750 billion yuan ($108 billion) worth of three-year special treasury bonds to bolster its economy, the Ministry of Finance said on Friday. The notes will be issued on December 12, and targeted and issued to particular banks in the interbank bond market.
Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market股市收盘情况
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